That breakthrough I wanted? I'm getting there...

Hi there, I know I haven’t blogged in a while, I’ve just had so many thoughts, questions and ideas swimming round; I was really struggling to condense them down and categorise them (still am but I’ve made progress). Since the beginning of this process I felt like I’d fallen at the first hurdle which was literally articulating and describing what my practice is. Towards the beginning I questioned, is it that I’m a ‘cruise ship dancer’, but then I was thrown a bit during one of our initial discussion groups when we were told ‘our practice isn’t defined by what jobs we do’. I kept coming back to the Aims section in the module handbook though, ’you will be looking at your Professional Practice in terms of what you have learnt from ‘doing your practice’ (Page 9) so here is some more focus on that. Over the past 4 years I have worked for 4 different cruise companies, as a dancer, which has provided a wealth of knowledge and learning opportunities. I have not merely learnt a number of ...