It's good to talk
One thing that is challenging about this course is that although, reading other students blogs and receiving advice from the discussion group has eased my nervousness and quelled my feelings of ‘I’m all alone in this’; when I’m sat in my dining room by myself, trying to figure it out; it is hard to push that aside. Last night I was writing about the positives and negatives of Web 2.0 (which you will see soon); I was part way through writing about a time I was seeking advice about a particular job when I realised although it is part of Facebook, is their messenger service actually classed as Web 2.0? Therefore, although I knew I was getting to a point about being influenced by other dancers, was it actually relevant to the tool I was researching? By definition, yes it is a two way communication through the internet but it’s closer to texting I feel, rather than one author presenting information with the option for others to provide feedback. In this moment, I realised I thought I was m...