Putting pen to paper

 I have so many thoughts regarding this course at the moment. Admittedly I’ve got out of bed at 2am to write this because I needed to give myself some clarity and put my mind at ease! Although advised this blog doesn’t have to be a perfect string of essays; it can merely be a collection of questions and ideas; I feel actually being able to section and structure my thoughts is what’s holding me back at the moment. I’ve been putting it off, not because I don’t want to blog, it’s something I am interested in doing and it is something graduates have advised is very helpful to do in the long-run; but because I thought there was so much reading to do first in preparation. So I’m just going to work my way through, not critique myself too much at first, as this is a learning process; put as much as I can down here and hopefully it’ll all become a little clearer.

My first reaction was that I was very overwhelmed (and still am a little bit). Even before the first online induction, I was questioning myself, “should I have done more work by now/ am I doing the right thing”. However after that first call, interacting with the other students, both on my module and ahead in modules 2 & 3, it truly gave me a sense of relief and ‘I’m not alone in this’.

Similarly reading the blogs and seeing my peers comments on those made me realise, this feeling of being overwhelmed was probably normal- so thank you to you all for the reassurance!

Reading the handbook was not what I expected at first; although it literally says, ‘nothing in this course is a tick-box activity’, I realised that’s pretty much what I was looking for. Some advice I’ve had from the other students, is that it’s ok not to understand it all at first; just keep re-reading it and working through it in small chunks. I really do find the blogs useful in the way that, if I don’t understand what I should be researching in the handbook; it is often explained on someone’s blog by a like minded person to myself, in a way I understand it better. 

One quote I read in the handbook, which I think is a good idea to practice is ‘Education is about learning how to remain calm during the period of not knowing and having the tools to reach a point where you can start to know.’ 

So I will keep reminding myself to stay calm, “trust the process” and hopefully my Eureka moment will appear to me soon!


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