Ding-ding! Time for round 2!

 Hi there everyone, after attending the Welcome Zoom Call yesterday I thought now would be a good time to restart the blog! I wasn’t the most attentive with it last term, I think once I started my essay the blog posts accidentally took a back seat as I focused my time on perfecting the essay rather than the posts - I hate to admit there’s a fair few nearly finished blog posts sat in my drafts. But a new term is a chance to try again! 

My location is a bit different this time round; I am so thankful to have been chosen for the return to service cast on board Cunard Queen Elizabeth, to finish what we started last year! Today actually marks our 100th day on board this contract! I think there are pros and cons of doing this degree alongside this work; naturally there are a lot more responsibilities to juggle with compared to being in lockdown earlier this year, coupled with the lack of good wifi will be a challenge. However as I start to design my inquiry for Module 2 I think it will be useful to be surrounded by like minded creatives who I can bounce ideas off and have discussions with. 

I am a little apprehensive already about what my inquiry will be about; I have a few ideas that I am keenly interested for example, 

  • How much does our reputation effect our employability/ does talent outweigh attitude and behaviour or vice versa 
  • Should there be a greater duty of care and communication between employers and dancers on short term contracts
  • Something to do with balancing our attitude towards our work to our attitudes socially (as I discussed in Module 1 how it is difficult to disassociate the relationships we have at work to ones we have socially in the cruise ship environment)
  • Potentially something to do with how we take criticism as dancers. On board we do a tech run every day we have a show and receive feedback from the dance captain. Over the years I have changed how I respond to these critiques; sometimes I have to remind myself “it’s just a dance routine, whether you do your right arm or left really isn’t the end of the world!” Is it because we care? Do we care too much? Can you care too much? And why do we respond like this?

Some of these questions I am really passionate about but I’m worried they’re too biased/ tailored only to my experiences and whether there’ll be enough resources out there on these topics. But I think it is useful to have some ideas down on paper that I can expand and look deeper into. Hopefully as I follow the tools and techniques in the hand book it will be easier than just diving in at the deep end with a query. I am intrigued to hear what other inquiry topics fellow Module 2 students starts to discover! 

Also I have to take a moment to thank my peers last term, I can't express how much support they gave me both educationally and emotionally, I certainly wouldn't have passed Module 1 without them- so thank you and good luck with Module 2!! 

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- Reading through the hand book in Greenock and our first zoom call in Liverpool! (it all looks so serene but I can't tell you the stress I had connecting to the wifi on that call!)


  1. Hi Larissa,

    Yayyyy congratulations on being back on board. That's amazing news. Have the best contract.

    I really enjoyed reading your inquiry ideas, thank you for sharing these!

    I thought your first point was very interesting. I feel that the way you conduct yourself during a contract and your level of professionalism goes a long way, whether it be for a job promotion, second contract or recommendation. As performers we usually work alongside a team of creatives, from dancers to singers, artists, directors, choreographers, technicians and producers. I feel that being respectful, considerate, polite, helpful and a team player is recognised and appreciated.

    I'm looking forward to reading more of your blogs on your ideas and seeing what research you find.

    Responding to your comment that you are intrigued as to what others are thinking about, I have just blogged my first thoughts on a focus topic for Module 2.

    Chat soon!
    Ellie x


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