Inquiry idea update

 So the initial questions I used in my previous blogs to shape my inquiry have proven really useful and I'd recommend it to others to help identify why you want to research your topic and to continually revert back to as you research to see if you're staying on topic or not. I have also found writing out practice questions as if I was going to interview someone useful as it's highlighted to me what I am actually interested in finding out and how much there is to actually talk about that topic.

So far I have decided to switch to my Inquiry Idea 2 about Dance Captain's rather than Idea 1 about Reacting to feedback. I just found that as I was researching about feedback the information I was finding about the management role was more interesting and relevant to my practice.

When I wrote out practice questions for both inquiry ideas I found I had more questions to ask about the dance captain role than the feedback inquiry; therefore in the long run, I think I will have a greater range of data to analyse and a wider range of perspectives to input.

Today I have been looking into leadership skills and I found this interesting TED talk that suggests successful leadership starts with leading yourself/ investing time in yourself; which is an analogy I had not thought of but sounds very useful:



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