Am I overthinking or is this actually a moral issue?

 So, as I have mentioned in my previous blog post, my upcoming contract has been postponed therefore I am unable to carry out the observations research. 

I discussed with my supervisor whether I needed to find an alternative method or if I could just concentrate on my interviews - potentially interviewing other people in my industry such as a casting director.

He asked me what the purpose of me doing the observations in the first place was. I said it was because the interviews only provide one side of the story whereas observing interactions between the Dance Captain and cast members would provide a greater understanding of how to manage the whole event.

In a effort to gain similar data my supervisor suggested an anonymous survey could be useful to hear from dancers their opinions on Dance Captain's.

I agreed that this was a good idea, but I am really struggling with what questions to ask.

Naturally I want to ask things like:

'what do you expect from a dance captain?'

'what qualities should they have?'

'from your knowledge can you describe what a dance captain does?' -  (this one I'm interested in because from my interviews  a few participants said there was a lot of work that happens 'behind the scenes' that they didn't anticipate before becoming a Dance Captain)

However, if I'm honest I'd like to look at the other side and ask 'are there any actions a Dance Captain has taken that you disagreed with? How would you have liked it to be handled?'

In my experience, I've only worked with one company where the Dance Captain/ Company Manager was paid the most in the cast; whereas all other contracts the singers are paid considerably more than the manager yet have arguably much less responsibility. So I would love to ask the question, 'do you think the DC/CM should be paid the most in the cast? / Does pay & privileges affect how much respect a DC receives?'  (though I do understand I may be crossing into a different territory to what I'm actually investigating here).

And this is where my issue comes in, which has really been a struggled to articulate on here.

To gain data from this survey quickly I expect the best way to advertise it would be through social media. Although the participants and their data will be anonymous, I know how my community works, people talk a lot! I wouldn't want participants - particularly those who are currently working with a dance captain - to do this survey and then have a greater awareness of their DC's behaviour- leading to nit picking and provoking negative conversations between mutual people who take the survey.

In my head this makes sense, I'm not sure if it does on paper. 

My dilemma is, to gain a better insight into what cast members expect from their dance captain, these are some of the questions I want to ask but I am concerned that although it will not directly effect me, it may have unintentional repercussions for others. So I'm trying to work out whether I can word them more effiencetly or if I should just leave it out altogether as it is not sitting well with me?


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